About the Library Map Of the World

What is the Library Map of the World?

IFLA Library Map of the World is a representative source of basic library statistics and a robust tool providing country-level data and a worldwide comparison of different library performance metrics by region.

As an advocacy tool, the Library Map of the World is also a platform providing access to SDG stories demonstrating how libraries in different countries contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and serve as partners in meeting local development needs.


You can access the Library Map of the World at librarymap.ifla.org.


On the Library Map of the World you will be able to see worldwide distribution of library performance metrics on a map, as well as explore and filter data by library type and selected performance metric, including:

  • Number of libraries (library service points)
  • Number of libraries (library service points) providing internet access
  • Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff
  • Number of volunteers (headcount)
  • Number of registered users
  • Number of visitors
  • Number of loans and downloads

You will be able to compare these library performance metrics across all library types (national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, community libraries, school libraries and other libraries), and across countries worldwide. Data is available as total and per capita at the national level.

The statistics available will depend on the range of data collected in each country for each type of library.

In addition to data, on the Library Map of the World you will also be able to learn how libraries contribute to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by exploring stories by selected country or SDG. Each SDG story consists of the short description of activity, project or programme and its impact on community as well as links to additional information, pictures and videos.

Who do I contact for more information?

You may contact the Library Map of the World team at [email protected] or Kristine Paberza, Member Engagement Officer at IFLA HQ, at [email protected].

About the Library Map of the World Data Collection


Data is being collected through the annual Library Map of the World Survey between April and the end of October. IFLA is engaging with a selected data partner (national library association, national library or other institution) in each country around the world to liaise and gather aggregated national level data.


The Library Map of the World Survey is a tool to collect aggregated national level data for the basic set of library performance metrics from existing sources from as many countries around the world as possible.

Who is conducting the Survey and why?

The Survey is being conducted by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to create the IFLA Library Map of the World. The aim is to be able to show the capacity and potential of the global library field in providing free access to information. Basic information about the state of libraries in countries across the world is needed to support advocacy efforts at the global, regional and national level. Data collected through the Library Map of the World Survey will be used to maximize advocacy efforts and to increase the capacity of library associations and institutions to advocate for the best policy frameworks and conditions including those centred on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The Library Map of the World Survey is an annual activity, managed and maintained by IFLA, aiming to update existing data and/or to collect more or different data will be conducted annually.


IFLA is engaging with a selected data partner (national library association, national library or other institution) in each country around the world to liaise and gather aggregated national level data. Data partners will be contacted each March and be able to contribute new or updated data between April and the end of October. If you are a selected data partner, visit the Guide for Contributors section for more information and supporting materials. If you want to find out who is the selected data partner in your country, please contact us.


No. The Library Map of the World asks data partners to collate existing data collected in their country and submit it via the online Survey. Many countries will not have data for each indicator – they can be left blank. The Library Map of the World will accept and display whatever data currently exists for each country. IFLA is not asking data partners to collect new data, simply to submit existing data at the national level.


Survey results are used to make a visualisation of the data available on the Library Map of the World at librarymap.ifla.org.


You may contact the Library Map of the World team at [email protected] or Kristine Paberza, Member Engagement Officer at IFLA HQ, at [email protected].


Can I see all the Survey questions before I answer them?

Yes. You can access PDF versions of the survey questionnaire from the link below. Please note that the print and online surveys are slightly different, not in terms of the questions but in terms of layout and presentation.

Survey Questionnaire: English| Español| Русский | more translations coming soon

What languages is the Survey available in?

The Survey language is English. You will mainly have to submit numeric data; however, it is expected that you provide explanations and/or clarifications of submitted data in open ended questions of the Survey in English. Please note that translated versions of Survey Definitions and Questionnaires are prepared for you to get acquainted with what is asked by the Survey and to support you during the data gathering; do not use translated versions of questionnaires to fill in your data. If you want to submit completed questionnaire in paper, please use the English version of the Questionnaire.

Survey Definitions: English | Español| Русский | more translations coming soon

Survey Questionnaire: English| Español| Русский | more translations coming soon

Where the Survey definitions come from?

The items in the Survey Questionnaire are defined according to international standards, mainly ISO 2789, and endorsed by the IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section. Please note that in some cases you can submit data that deviates from the Library Map of the World definitions. In this case, please add explanation and/or clarification of submitted data (Survey Questionnaire have designated place for this under each library type). To support you during the process of data gathering, IFLA has prepared translations of the Library Map of the World Definitions:

Survey Definitions: English | Español| Русский | more translations coming soon

How long does it take to complete the Survey?

Once you have gathered existing data from your data sources and partners it should take no more than one hour to fill in the questionnaire either electronically or in paper form.

How can I take the Survey?

You can complete the questionnaire either electronically or in paper form.

If your choice is to submit completed questionnaire in paper, you should use the printed version of the Library Map of the World Survey 2017 Questionnaire that you received enclosed with your invitation letter.

If your choice is to submit completed questionnaire electronically, you should use the link to access the Online Questionnaire that was e-mailed to you. If you haven't received an invitation e-mail with the link three weeks after receiving the invitation letter, please contact us.

Where can I access the Online Questionnaire?

If you are an invited data contributor who received an invitation letter, you should have received a following invitation e-mail containing instructions and a link to the Online Questionnaire about two weeks after received invitation letter. If you haven't received an invitation e-mail with the link three weeks after receiving the invitation letter, please contact us.

Can I save my answers and finish the Online Questionnaire later?

Yes, you can start filling in the questionnaire and return to your responses to complete them at a later time. To return to your responses you must use the same link to the Online Survey received in your email; when you click the link a second time you will return to the same response.

Can I change or add additional (missing) data after I completed and submitted the Survey?

Yes, in that case you would need to contact the Library Map of the World team at [email protected] or [email protected] who can assist you with updating your responses and data after its submission.

Do I have to take the Survey if I don't have any data in my country?

IFLA wants to learn about the state of data collection in your country to be able to support your future data needs. Therefore, we encourage you to take the Survey even if you don't have any data. In the Survey questionnaire under each library type you will be able to select a “Data for this library type is not available” option and include an explanation and/or clarification and/or any other information that you think is relevant for IFLA to better understand the state of data collection in your country.

Do I have to answer every question?

The 2017 Survey asks to submit the most recent existing data that are collected or aggregated at the national level in your country. If you don't have data for some of the library types or for some of the metrics, there's no need to worry.  However, you still should answer every question. For cases where you don't have data, you must choose the option “Data for this library type is not available” or “Data is not available”.

Will my responses be anonymous and confidential?

At the beginning of the questionnaire you will be asked to provide contact information of your association/organisation and contact information of the person completing the survey. Contact details that you provide will remain confidential and access to your contact information will be restricted to the Library Map of the World team for purposes of contacting and communicating with you.

For all library statistics that are to be published on the IFLA Library Map of the World, contributors must complete a Data Contributors' Permission Form that allows IFLA to publish the library data that you provided as well as acknowledge the contribution of your organisation.

Apart from information about data sources, your responses to open-ended questions of this survey will remain confidential and may be used only in aggregate form (with no possibility to identify your individual response) for internal planning and decision-making purposes by the IFLA Library Map of the World team to support your future data needs.


Data partners will be able to submit data between the beginning of April and the end of October. However, if you want your data to be updated and your country to be mapped on the Library Map of the World for demonstration at IFLA World Library and Information Congress, you must provide your data by the end of June.


Kristine Paberza, Member Engagement Officer at IFLA HQ is at your assistance to help you with any questions and/or issues relating to the Library Map of the World and data collection. Do not hesitate to reach out to the Library Map of the World team at [email protected] and Kristine Paberza at [email protected].


To provide equal access to the Library Map of the World website, it has been developed following Americans with Disabilities Act's (ADA) guidelines.

  • Map color combinations are optimized for two most common color-blindness types.
  • Map pages are customized with a narrative for screen readers to help visually impaired users navigate and understand the content on the site.
  • Non-map pages are suitable for screen readers, with videos and photos properly named and identified.

Who Do I Contact For More Information?

You may contact the Library Map of the World team at [email protected] or Kristine Paberza, Member Engagement Officer at IFLA HQ, at [email protected].