
Library Data: Organisations

National Library Associations

National library associations listed on the LMW Country Page are non-profit associations operating at the national level, either general in nature or specialised by the type of library. It includes national associations in the fields of librarianship, documentation, and information science, including associations formed by institutions or staff (both professional/qualified and non-professional). The meaning of national library associations in the broadest context includes all types of national associations in the information field. Associations covering only certain districts, provinces or regions within a country are not within a scope of the LMW Country Pages.

National Library

National library is a library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents published in the country in which the library is located. The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.

Policy Making Institutions

National level governmental institution(s) (e.g. government department, ministry or other entity) which is responsible for development of policy (e.g. strategies, plans, actions, behaviours) and legislation in the library field as well as is making decisions concerning libraries in country.

Library Support Organisations

National level (public, private or non-profit) library support organisations (e.g. consortiums, implementing agencies etc.) which either make grants, perform the functions of, or implement projects/programmes in the library field.