IFLA Library Map of the World is a representative source of basic library statistics and a robust tool providing country-level data and a worldwide comparison of different library performance metrics by region. | |
#print-params# | #print-met-desc# |
#print-chart# | #print-map# |
#print-ww-totals# | |
#print-legend#< |
The following are stories related to Sustainable development goals. The stories are organised by country. Each story will specify the goals to which it relates followed by a title, a description, and a link to the full story.
Explore worldwide contribution of libraries to the SDGs on the map by clicking on individual goal icons. Select a country to see available stories and click on "read more" to read the story. If you are interested in learning more about SDG Stories on the Library Map of the World, go to SDG Stories page in the About section.