

Number of Libraries

Library is an organization, or part of an organization, the main aim of which is to facilitate the use of such information resources, services and facilities as are required to meet the informational, research, educational, cultural or recreational needs of its users.

Administrative unit is any independent library, or group of libraries, under a single directorate or a single administration.

Library service point is a fixed or mobile facility through which library provides a service to its users. Central libraries, branch libraries, mobile libraries, and external service points located in different geographical locations and managed by one administrative unit are all each individual service points.

Number of libraries (displayed on the LMW Data Page) is the total number of central/main libraries, branch libraries, external service points and mobile libraries (total number of library service points).

Libraries with Internet Access

Internet access is an Internet connection by a user from a workstation owned by the library or from a user's private computer in the library via the library's network.

Number of libraries with Internet access (displayed on the LMW Data Page) is the total number of library service points with Internet access.

Full-Time Staff

Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff are all library employees who work for the library in return for payment. It includes professional staff, qualified staff, project staff and assistants. Other staff (library employees who work in security and on domestic duties, for example, cleaners, porters, caretakers and catering staff) and volunteers are excluded.


Volunteer is a person working on library tasks without payment.

Registered Users

Registered user is a person or organization registered with a library in order to use its collection and/or services within or away from the library. Users may be registered upon their request or automatically when enrolling in the institutions.

Physical Visits

Physical visit is a person (individual) entering the library premises.

Physical Loans (books)

Physical loan is a direct lending or delivery transaction of an item in physical form. Physical loans (Books) include loans of items in-non-electronic form.

Physical Loans (documents on physical carrier)

Physical loan is a direct lending or delivery transaction of an item in physical form. Physical loans (Documents on physical carrier) include loans of electronic documents on a physical carrier.

Electronic loans (eBooks)

Electronic loan is a transmission of an electronic document to a user for a limited time period and/or a download of a content unit from a library-provided online service or other internet service.

eBook is a non-serial digital document, licenced or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and similar to a print book (monograph). eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the user's PC or other device for a limited time period.

Electronic Loans (audio books)

Electronic loan is a transmission of an electronic document to a user for a limited time period and/or a download of a content unit from a library-provided online service or other internet service.

Audio book (or talking book) is a sound recording of readings of a book, magazine, or newspaper, usually designed for use by visually impaired people. Audio books can be lent to users either on a physical carrier or other device, or by transmitting the content to the user’s PC or other device for a limited time period.

Electronic Loans (downloads)

Electronic loan is a transmission of an electronic document to a user for a limited time period and/or a download of a content unit from a library-provided online service or other internet service.

Download is a content unit that is successfully requested from a library-provided online service or other internet service (e.g. database, electronic serial or digital document).