About Country Profiles
The aim of Country Profiles is to provide the library community, stakeholders and other users with an opportunity to easily access information about the library landscape in a selected country.
Each Country Profile contains a concise overview of the library environment, including:
- Description of the library field (general overview of the library system, main facts and features of different types of libraries, governance and funding models, development and policy priorities, and recent achievements in the library field)
- Library performance metrics and contextual indicators (population and geography, information and infrastructure, poverty and employment, education and literacy, innovation and skills)
- Details of organisations with links to their websites (national library associations, national libraries, policy making institutions, and library support organisations)
- Information about the library policy and legislation with links to full text documents (national policy for libraries, library laws, legal deposit laws, and copyright laws)
- Information about education and events with links to additional information (description of professional qualification requirements, overview of library education system, professional publications and events)
IFLA collaborates with LMW Contributors (national library associations, national libraries and other institutions) in each country around the world to prepare the information available on their Country Profiles.
If you are an established LMW Contributor, visit the Resources for Contributors section for more information and supporting materials.
If you want to find out who is the LMW Contributor in your country, please contact us.
Country Profiles are reviewed annually, and content is being added and updated on a regular basis.
Contribute information to your national library association to help ensure the information on your country’s profile is relevant and up to date.