IFLA Library Map of the World is a representative source of basic library statistics and a robust tool providing country-level data and a worldwide comparison of different library performance metrics by region.
Libraries are leading promoters and providers of free access to all types of information to all citizens. To show the potential of the global library field, the Library Map of the World features all types of libraries, including national, academic, public, community, school, and special libraries. The initial set of performance metrics include number of libraries, number of libraries providing internet access, number of staff and volunteers, number of registered users and visitors, and number of loans.
As an advocacy tool, the Library Map of the World is also a platform providing access to SDG stories demonstrating how libraries in different countries contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and serve as partners in meeting local development needs.
IFLA Library Map of the World is being created in partnership with data and story contributors including national library associations, national libraries, library support organizations and other institutions, from around the world. Reliable global library statistics is our shared vision.
To stay up with the latest news, follow us on Twitter @IFLA_LibraryMap and use the hashtag #WorldLibraryMap
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.