Region: Eastern Europe
Population: 144,342,396
Area: 17,098,250
GDP per capita, PPP: 24,789
(current international $)
Major Languages: Russian (official) 85.7%, Tatar 3.2%, Chechen 1%, other 10.1%

Library Location Resources

Culture.RF - Libraries

There are about 90 thousand libraries in Russia, including more than 37,000 public libraries, 3 national libraries and 253 main regional libraries of various constituents of the Russian Federation. The remaining libraries fall under municipal jurisdiction.

There is an extensive network of scientific, academic and school libraries. Various institutions of power also have their own libraries.

Approximately 79% of Russian libraries are in rural areas and receive funding from municipal authorities. About a third of the country's population are library patrons.

There is a number of professional associations of libraries and librarians, including regional ones. The country's largest professional organisations are the Russian Library Association, the National Library Association "Libraries of the Future", and the Association of Cultural Workers, Artists and Educators for Children's Reading "Raising Readers".

According to the strategic development plans for Russian libraries, making cultural assets and products of science-driven growth available to all the citizens of the country is one of the top priorities.

In 2018, the national project “Culture” was started and is being led by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Among others, it includes two priority areas, namely the modernization of 660 model municipal libraries in Russian regions and the relaunch of the National Digital Library (NDL).

According to the new approach, the NDL will collect not only electronic copies of all the Russian publications as part of the legal deposit system, but also archival, academic and museum materials. The new approach, which has been thoroughly examined and evaluated by the publishing community, settles accounts with copyright holders based on the number of views by the NDL users.

The NDL will become not only a reliable digital knowledge base, but also the space for cultural and intellectual development of Russian citizens.

One of the upcoming NDL features is an educational app for children that will help to enrich school curriculum with a wide range of cultural content, including books, films, music, and theatre plays.

By 2024, the national project “Culture” is set to re-equip 660 municipal libraries according to the new model standard, update collections etc. Municipal libraries will become welcoming “third places”, intellectual knowledge centers for personal development, including facilities for people with disabilities.

SDG STORIES: Stories Available


Totals Per 1M People*

Number of Libraries

Total Libraries with Internet Access

Total Staff


Registered Users

Total Visits

Total Physical Loans

Total Electronic Loans
Population and Geography
40 8.8
Median Age Population Density
people per sq km
Information and Infrastructure
73.1% 1%
Internet UsersInternet Gender Gap
Poverty and Employment
0% 5.5%
Poverty Rate
2011 PPP
% of labor force
Education and Literacy
No Data Available No Data Available
Adult Literacy Rate
% of people age 15+
Education Spending
% of GDP
Innovation and Skills
27.6% 1.1%
ICT Skills:
Transfering Files
Research Spending
% of GDP
National Library Associations
National Library
Policy Making Institutions
Library Support Organisations
Policy & Legislation
National Policy for Libraries
Library Law
Legal Deposit Law
Copyright Law
Library Exceptions & Limitations
Education & Events
Professional Qualification Requirements
Professional Publications
Professional Events
Learn more about the performance metrics
Totals Per 1 M People
N/A' Not Applicable '-' No Data '0' Zero
Total National Academic Public Community School Other

Total Libraries


Libraries with Internet Access


Full-Time Staff




Registered User


Physical Visits


Physical Loans


Electronic Loans

Learn more about the contextual indicators
N/A' Not Applicable '-' No Data '0' Zero
Population Russian Federation Region World
Population Density
people per sq km
Urban Population (World Bank) 74.1%
Median Age (CIA) 40
Age Dependency Ratio, Youth (World Bank)
% of working age people
Age Dependency Ratio, Elderly (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of working age people
Information Infrastructure Russian Federation Region World
Internet Users (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of population
Broadband Cost (ITU World Telecoms Database)
in USD
Phone Subscription Cost (ITU World Telecoms Database)
in USD
Internet Gender Gap (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of Men Internet Users - % of Women Internet Users
Access to Electricity (World Bank)
Economy, Poverty, and Employment Russian Federation Region World
GDP per Capita (World Bank)
current international $
Poverty Rate (World Bank)
at $1.90 a Day, 2011 PPP
Inequality Index (World Bank)
0 is perfect equality, 100 is the complete inequality
Unemployment (World Bank)
% of labor force
Inactive Youth (World Bank)
% of youth
Education and Literacy Russian Federation Region World
Students per Teacher (World Bank)
Adult Literacy Rate (World Bank)
% of people age 15+
Education Spending (World Bank)
% of GDP
Innovation and Skills Russian Federation Region World
Research Spending (World Bank)
% of GDP
ICT Skills: Programming (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Creating Presentations (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Finding, Downloading, Installing Software (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Transferring Files (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Sending Emails
% of Population
ICT Skills: Using Copy/Paste
% of Population
ICT Skills: Connect/Install Devices (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Using Math in Spreadsheets (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population

National Library Associations

Russian Library Association (RLA) / Российская библиотечная ассоциация (РБА)

Russian Library Association serves to bring together the most active members of the professional community who are in charge of expressing and defending the interests of libraries. Objectives: joint efforts; support and coordination of the activities of libraries, library associations and schools in order to preserve and develop Russian librarianship; representation and advocacy for the Russian library community; enhancing the prestige of libraries and the social status of librarians. It has more than 500 members, including associations, libraries and other institutions and organisations.

National Library Association «LIBRARIES of the FUTURE» (NALF) / Национальная библиотечная ассоциация «БИБЛИОТЕКИ БУДУЩЕГО» (НАББ)

National Library Association "Libraries of the Future" is a voluntary, membership-based association of legal entities and     citizens interested in supporting libraries and developing librarianship. Its members are institutions (27) and individuals (5).

Association Of School Librarians of the Russian World (RUSLA) / Ассоциация школьных библиотекарей русского мира (РШБА)

Association Of School Librarians of the Russian World represents the interests of the largest library network in Russia, uniting over 46 thousand school librarians. The mission of the Association is to combine Russian cultural and intellectual resources furthering the development of Russian school libraries as educational and community centres for children and youth. The goal of the Association is to expand the role that school libraries play in society, as well as to provide social and professional protection for school librarians.

Russian Association of Electronic Libraries (ELBI) / Российская ассоциация электронных библиотек (НП «ЭЛБИ»)

Russian Association of Electronic Libraries represents the Russian community of developers of electronic libraries and promotes the interdisciplinary discussion of the issues related to uploading documents online; assists the government in developing e-document policies; mediates Russia's integration into the global e-document environment. It has 18 membres, including 12 organisations and 6 individuals.

Association of Cultural, Art and Education Workers in Inviting Children to Reading "Raising the Reader" / Ассоциация деятелей культуры, искусства и просвещения по приобщению детей к чтению «Растим читателя»

"Raising Readers": the main goal of the Association is to create an efficient and creative information centre, coordinating the efforts of professionals who implement a common policy encouraging children to read. One of the priorities is to establish cooperation between the members of the Association in order to expand the reach of projects aimed at creative development of the younger generation of Russians.

National Library

Russian State Library (RSL) / Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)

The Russian State Library (RSL) (Moscow) was founded in 1862 as a part of the Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum. In Soviet times, it was named the V.I. Lenin State Library of the USSR. In 1992, it got its present name. It is the largest book depository of the Russian Federation, which keeps nearly 47 million printed publications and electronic documents. Since 2014, the RSL has been operating the National Digital Library (NDL) – http://нэб.рф . It provides its services to all citizens from the age of 14.

National Library of Russia (NLR) / Российская национальная библиотека (РНБ)

The National Library of Russia (NLR) (Saint Petersburg) was founded in 1795. In Soviet times, it was named the M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library. In 1992, it got its present name. The NLR holds over 36 million items. The library has the most complete collection of Russian books in the world. It is a public library, which provides its services to all citizens from the age of 14.

Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library / Президентская библиотека имени Б.Н. Ельцина

The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library (Saint Petersburg) was created at the initiative of the Russian Government in 2009. It is a multi-functional information center, which has the status of the national library of Russia. The digital collection of the Presidential Library possesses more than 500,000 documents, which relate to the national cultural heritage associated with the theory, history and practice of the Russian statehood and with the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. 139 841 documents are available in open access on the Internet portal.

Policy Making Institutions

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Culture of Russia) / Министерство культуры Российской Федерации (Минкультуры России)

Russian Ministry of Culture serves as the federal executive authority for culture and art. The Ministry develops and executes policies and regulations in the following areas: culture, art, cultural heritage (including archaeological heritage), cinematography, copyright, and other related legislation. It is in charge of state cultural and cinematographic properties, providing cultural services, as well as protecting cultural heritage, copyright and related legislation, providing control and supervision in these areas.  
Starting 1 January 2019, the Ministry has been managing the national project "Culture", which include three federal projects: “Cultural environment”, “Creative people”, and “Digital culture”.

Library Support Organisations

Presidential Grants Foundation / Фонд президентских грантов

Presidential Grants Foundation serves as the operator of presidential grants for the development of civil society. It is involved in the following activities: providing support for projects of non-profit organizations in the fields of culture, art, science, and education; providing social services, support and citizen protection; preservation of historical heritage; providing support for youth projects; identifying and supporting new talents; developing civil society, etc. Libraries are one of the beneficiaries of those grants.

National Electronic Information Consortium (NEICON) / Национальный Электронно-Информационный Консорциум (НЭИКОН)

NEICON is an organization whose main goal is to provide access to Russian periodicals, universities, institutes to scientific periodic information in electronic form. National and central regional public libraries as well as academic and special libraries partner with the Consortium.

Policy & Legislation

National Policy for Libraries

Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation N 808 "On the Approval of the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy" (24 December, 2014) / Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 24.12.2014 № 808 «Об утверждении Основ государственной культурной политики»

They outline the main directions of the state cultural policy and serve as the legal foundation for the development and execution of legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulating the processes of cultural development as well as state and municipal programs. They are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They define the goals and strategic objectives of the state cultural policy and determine the key principles of its implementation.

Executive Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 326-p "On the Approval of the Strategy of State Cultural Policy of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030" (29 February 2014) / Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 29.02.2016 № 326-р «Об утверждении Стратегии государственной культурной политики на период до 2030 года»

The Strategy addresses the following key issues: strengthening and expanding the international outreach of Russian culture; preserving a common cultural space as an important element of Russian national security and territorial integrity; revealing cultural potential of various territorial entities and reducing regional imbalances; increasing the role of civil society institutions as subjects of cultural policy; raising the social status of the family as a public institution; preserving  cultural heritage and creating conditions for cultural development.

The national project "Culture" / Национальный проект «Культура»

The national project "Culture" was developed within the framework of the Executive Order of the President N 204 "On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024" (7 May 2018). It includes three federal projects: "Cultural environment", "Creative people", and "Digital culture". The curator of the national project is Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the head of the project is Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.
For 2024, the project sets among the main goals:

  • to re-equip 660 municipal libraries according to the new set of standards;
  • to train 200,000 people at the centres for professional development in the field of culture;
  • to digitize 48,000 book monuments for the National Digital Library.

110 public libraries will be modernization (re-equipment) in 2019.

Library Law

Federal Law N 78-FL "On Librarianship" (29 December 1994, as amended on May 1, 2019) / Федеральный закон от 29.12.1994 № 78-ФЗ «О библиотечном деле» (в редакции от 01.05.2019)

Federal law regulates the general principles of librarianship, the relationship between the state, citizens, enterprises, institutions, and other organizations in the field of librarianship in accordance with the principles and norms of international law.  It establishes the principles of library activities that guarantee the rights of individuals, non-governmental organisations, nations and ethnic groups to have free access to information, unrestricted personal development, the use of national and global cultural assets, as well as cultural, scientific and educational activities.

Legal Deposit Law

Federal Law N 77-FL "On the Legal Deposit Copy" dated 29 December 1994 (latest revision - 3 July 2016) / Федеральный закон "Об обязательном экземпляре документов" от 29.12.1994 № 77-ФЗ (последняя редакция от 03.07.2016)

Federal law addresses the state policies in regards to legal deposit and its contribution to the Russian national collections and national bibliography. It provides for the preservation of legal deposit copies and their public use. It outlines the types of legal deposit, the categories of its producers and recipients, delivery deadlines and procedures, and penalties for violations.

Copyright Law & Library Exceptions and Limitations

Civil Code of the Russian Federation / Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации (ГК РФ)
Exceptions and limitations for libraries

Since January 1, 2008, the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has been in force, which regulates relations in the field of copyright and related rights in detail.
It is covered in:
Section VII. Rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization (Articles 1225 - 1551)
Chapter 70. Copyright (Articles 1255-1302)
Article 1274. Free use of a work for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes.
Article 1275. Free use of a work by libraries, archives and educational organizations
Chapter 71. Rights adjacent to copyright (Articles 1303–1344)

Education & Events

Professional Qualification Requirements

There are established qualification requirements. Professional duties: to comply with duties based on the department or work site (acquisition, processing, cataloguing, IT, accounting, storage, reader services, subscriptions, etc.); to partake in the research and methodological activities, to execute development plans and other library programs. Required knowledge: laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating libraries and archives; the foundations of librarianship and bibliography; the key library technological processes; various forms and methods of serving the readers; the basics of labour legislation; internal policies and procedures; job and fire safety rules. 


One can obtain LIS degree from a specialized institution after completing a vocational school, or enter a certified undergraduate and graduate level program at institutes and universities offering studies in culture. There are more than 20 institutes and universities offering LIS education.

Professional Publications

Information Bulletin of the RLA / Информационный бюллетень РБА»

Official Edition of the Russian Library Association. Published since 1995. ISSN 1991—8062

News from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) / Новости Международной федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений (ИФЛА)

Scientific-practical journal, 2 Issues per year. Published since 1994 as a newsletter "IFLA Russian Committee Newsletter". In 2005 was transformed into a scientific-practical journal. Since 2007 published under the title "News from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions".

Herald of the Library Assembly of Eurasia / Вестник Библиотечной Ассамблеи Евразии

Official Edition of Library Assembly of Eurasia. Published since 1992.

"Bibliotekovedenie" (Journal of Library and Information Science) / Библиотековедение

"Bibliotekovedenie" (Journal of Library and Information Science) is published by the Russian State Library. It focuses on the core and structure of LIS and libraries as important social institutions; it studies both theoretical and practical aspects of librarianship within the sociocultural framework and in view of its ties with humanities and information sciences amid global knowledge and technology development. The Journal is included in the WoS.

"Nauchnye i tekhnicheskiye biblioteki" (Journal of Scientific and Technical Libraries) / Научные и технические библиотеки

"Nauchnye i tekhnicheskiye biblioteki" (Journal of Scientific and Technical Libraries) is published by the State Public Scientific and Technological Library of Russia. The Journal covers the activities of libraries, scientific and technical information organizations, art and culture universities, publishing houses, booksellers, and other related entities. It includes articles about various LIS topics such as information technology, theory and methodology, terminology, library history, life-long education and professional development, book science, as well as reports and reviews of professional literature. The Journal is included in the WoS.

"Biblioteka" (Library Journal) / Библиотека

"Biblioteka" (Library Journal) is the oldest professional publication that remains one of the most popular and reliable sources of information for library professionals. It also serves as an open and accessible space where expression of ideas, views, and opinions is encouraged. Among its contributors are federal, regional and rural librarians, government officials, employees of various cultural institutions, and LIS educators.

"Bibliografiya" (Bibliography Journal) / Библиография

"Bibliografiya" (Bibliography Journal) covers methods, theoretical aspects and practices of bibliography, book science, librarianship, publishing statistics, and publication design. The Journal reports on the new and upcoming changes in standards, norms and rules for bibliographic description and terminology, ISBN, ISNN, and ISMN.

"Bibliotechnoye delo" (Librarianship Journal) / Библиотечное дело

"Bibliotechnoye delo" (Librarianship Journal) is a professional publication reporting on the latest technology, traditions, and experiences.

"Sovremennaya biblioteka" (Modern Library Magazine) / Современна библиотека

"Sovremennaya biblioteka" (Modern Library Magazine) provides its wide audiences with most recent and relevant information regarding the development of modern libraries.

Professional Events

National Library Day – 27 May

The National Library Day is a professional holiday for Russian librarians celebrated on 27 May. The holiday started with the Order of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin N 539 "On the Creation of the All-Russian Library Day" (27 May 1995). On this day, there are various events aimed at enhancing the role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of Russian citizens, as well as at highlighting pressing library issues.

All-Russian annual event "Library Night" – the third decade of April

The Library Night is an all-Russian socio-cultural event promoting reading and libraries. The Russian Association of Cultural Managers and the library community came up with idea in 2012. It is an annual nation-wide event sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and regional and municipal authorities. On this night (usually, in April), participating institutions, such as libraries, bookstores, literary museums and art galleries, extend their working hours and organize special activities.

The All-Russian Library Congress: The annual Conference of the Russian Library Association / Всероссийский библиотечный конгресс: Ежегодная Конференция Российской библиотечной ассоциации

The All-Russian Library Congress: The annual Conference of the Russian Library Association takes place every year in May. It provides space for discussing pressing issues that Russian libraries, information institutions, specialized universities, and other related organizations and associations want to address.

The annual meeting of the heads of Russian federal and central regional libraries / Ежегодное совещание руководителей федеральных и центральных региональных библиотек России

The annual meeting of the heads of Russian federal and central regional libraries is hosted by two national libraries (the Russian State Library and the National Library of Russia) on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and takes place in either Moscow or St. Petersburg in October. The main purpose of the meeting is to facilitate discussion between the industry leaders and the executives of leading federal and regional libraries. Heads of central regional libraries are in charge of implementing the state library policy. Each year, about 300 regional executives attend the meeting.

International professional forum "Book. Culture. Education. Innovation" / Международный профессиональный форум "Книга. Культура. Образование. Инновации"

International professional forum "Book. Culture. Education. Innovation", Sudak, Republic of Crimea. It is the largest professional conference in all the post-Soviet states and one of the most popular international professional gatherings. Every year, it brings together library executives and leading specialists, data providers, educators, publishers, booksellers, scientist, artists, etc. It covers a wide range of information services issues from libraries and universities to publishing houses and bookstores. One of key topics is the use of modern technologies in order to improve information services, national programs in the field of information policy, as well as information support of science and education.

St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum / Санкт-Петербургский международный культурный форум

The Forum has been deservedly recognized as a global cultural event that attracts thousands of experts in the sphere of culture all across the world every year: stars of theatre, opera and ballet, renowned directors and musicians, prominent librarians and museum workers, public figures, government officials and business people, members of the academia. Forum Organizers: The Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Government of Saint Petersburg.