Region: Eastern Europe
Population: 3,552,000
Area: 33,850
GDP per capita, PPP: 5,332
(current international $)
Major Languages: Moldovan/Romanian 80.2% (official) (56.7% identify their mother tongue as Moldovan, which is virtually the same as Romanian; 23.5% identify Romanian as their mother tongue), Russian 9.7%, Gagauz 4.2% (a Turkish language), Ukrainian 3.9%, Bulgarian 1.5%, Romani 0.3%, other 0.2% (2014 est.)

Library Location Resources

Public Libraries platform

According to statistical reports compiled by the National Librarianship Council (NLC) for the National Bureau of Statistics, the library system in Moldova consists of a total of 2,670 libraries, including 1,334 public and 1318 academic libraries (university, school, vocational schools etc.)

The library system employs a total of 4,193 librarians, including 2,369 public librarians.

Libraries funded from public funds are administered by the local public administrations.

The main strategic document for public libraries is the Strategy deconsolidation and modernization of territorial public libraries networks, 2017 - 2020. Its main goal is to strengthen and modernize the network of local public libraries in compliance with the needs of users and communities, digital era opportunities, strengthening the role of libraries in the community, encouraging effective partnerships, stimulating innovative practices and promoting lifelong learning. Besides, the document focuses modernization of territorial public libraries; development of the integrated information platform of public libraries; development of the continuous professional training system; and supporting the advocacy process for modern public libraries

Main Librarian's Association’s objective are focused on sustaining the following areas: strengthening the role of librarians and libraries in society; involvement of the Association in the modernization and innovation of the library domain; increase institutional capacity of the Association and promote good managerial practices; development of the Association membership network and their loyalty; supporting professional formation and development and adapting to modern requirements; strengthening advocacy, lobbying and fundraising.

A seven-year national Novateca program, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with USAID, was started in 2012 to provide Moldovan citizens with access to relevant information and locally tailored services in public libraries countrywide.

Novateca is a network of more than 1,000 public libraries in each of Moldova's 35 administrative regions, providing the public with 21st-century technology tools, digital literacy learning resources, and community services that address local needs. More than 450,000 library visitors have learned general internet skills and 260,000 have used Novateca library resources to access government information and services online.

SDG STORIES: Stories Available


Totals Per 1M People*

Number of Libraries

Total Libraries with Internet Access

Total Staff


Registered Users

Total Visits

Total Physical Loans

Total Electronic Loans
Population and Geography
37 123.6
Median Age Population Density
people per sq km
Information and Infrastructure
71% 9.1%
Internet UsersInternet Gender Gap
Poverty and Employment
0.2% 4.2%
Poverty Rate
2011 PPP
% of labor force
Education and Literacy
No Data Available 6.7%
Adult Literacy Rate
% of people age 15+
Education Spending
% of GDP
Innovation and Skills
No Data Available 0.4%
ICT Skills:
Transfering Files
Research Spending
% of GDP
National Library Associations
National Library
Policy Making Institutions
Library Support Organisations
Policy & Legislation
National Policy for Libraries
Library Law
Legal Deposit Law
Copyright Law
Library Exceptions & Limitations
Education & Events
Professional Qualification Requirements
Professional Publications
Professional Events
Learn more about the performance metrics
Totals Per 1 M People
N/A' Not Applicable '-' No Data '0' Zero
Total National Academic Public Community School Other

Total Libraries


Libraries with Internet Access


Full-Time Staff




Registered User


Physical Visits


Physical Loans


Electronic Loans

Learn more about the contextual indicators
N/A' Not Applicable '-' No Data '0' Zero
Population Republic of Moldova Region World
Population Density
people per sq km
Urban Population (World Bank) 45.1%
Median Age (CIA) 37
Age Dependency Ratio, Youth (World Bank)
% of working age people
Age Dependency Ratio, Elderly (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of working age people
Information Infrastructure Republic of Moldova Region World
Internet Users (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of population
Broadband Cost (ITU World Telecoms Database)
in USD
Phone Subscription Cost (ITU World Telecoms Database)
in USD
Internet Gender Gap (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of Men Internet Users - % of Women Internet Users
Access to Electricity (World Bank)
Economy, Poverty, and Employment Republic of Moldova Region World
GDP per Capita (World Bank)
current international $
Poverty Rate (World Bank)
at $1.90 a Day, 2011 PPP
Inequality Index (World Bank)
0 is perfect equality, 100 is the complete inequality
Unemployment (World Bank)
% of labor force
Inactive Youth (World Bank)
% of youth
Education and Literacy Republic of Moldova Region World
Students per Teacher (World Bank)
Adult Literacy Rate (World Bank)
% of people age 15+
Education Spending (World Bank)
% of GDP
Innovation and Skills Republic of Moldova Region World
Research Spending (World Bank)
% of GDP
ICT Skills: Programming
% of Population
ICT Skills: Creating Presentations
% of Population
ICT Skills: Finding, Downloading, Installing Software
% of Population
ICT Skills: Transferring Files
% of Population
ICT Skills: Sending Emails
% of Population
ICT Skills: Using Copy/Paste
% of Population
ICT Skills: Connect/Install Devices
% of Population
ICT Skills: Using Math in Spreadsheets
% of Population

National Library Associations

Librarians' Association of Moldova (LAM) / Asociatia Bibliotecarilor din Moldova

The Association is the only professional organization of librarians in Moldova, aiming to bring together librarians and community members to a form of association. Currently LAM has over 2,220 individual members, that represents 48% of Moldovan librarians. Major priorities are focused on strengthening the role of librarians and libraries in society; involvement of LAM in the innovation of the library domain; increasing institutional capacity of LAM; development of the LAM membership network; supporting professional development; strengthening advocacy. Main activities in the past 5 years were based on professional development, by launching 3 curricula and facilitating trainings.

National Library

The National Library of Moldova / Biblioteca Nationala din Republica Moldova

The National Library ensures the safeguarding of library materials published in the country and constitutes a collection of valuable documents, develops, preserves the legal deposit of documents; performs the function of center of expertise and methodological assistance in the field of preservation and restoration as well as participates in carrying out the national bibliographic control. The National Library  has the status of a national library center which: perform the coordination and correlation function in the field of research and development of libary science, and collects and aggregates statistical data presented by librarians.

Policy Making Institutions

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research / Ministerul Educației, Culturii și Cercetării

The Ministry is the body that coordinates the educational system in the Republic of Moldova, sets the objectives of the educational system as a whole, and the objectives of education by levels and educational profiles; which develops and ensures the implementation of strategies and policies in the fields of culture, art, cults, cinema and audiovisual.
According to the Law on Libraries the Ministry:

  • Coordinates and promotes state policy in the field of libraries;
  • Ensures the national unity in the activity of libraries;
  • Coordinates and monitors the activity of the national libraries system;
  • Elaborates and approves the normative framework regarding the activity of the public libraries;
  • Monitors the process of implementing legislation in the field of libraries' activity;
  • Maintains data statistics on the organization and functioning of public libraries;
  • Organizes and carries out the attestation of the specialized personnel of the libraries.

Library Support Organisations

The National Librarianship Council (NLC) / Consiliul Biblioteconomic National

The National Librarianship Council (NLC) is an advisory body of the he Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, which contributes to the elaboration of regulatory acts in the field of libraries, ensures the national unity in librarianship, carries out actions to coordinate and co-operate the activities of institutions in the national libraries system.

Policy & Legislation

National Policy for Libraries

The Strategy of Consolidating and Modernizing the Network of Territorial Public Libraries: 2017-2020 / Strategia de consolidare și modernizare a rețelei bibliotecilor publice teritoriale 2017-2020

The Strategy envisons to strengthen and modernize the network of local public libraries in meeting the needs of users and communities, the opportunities of the digital age, strengthening the role of public libraries in the community, encouraging effective partnerships, stimulating innovative practices and promoting life long learning.

Library Law

The law on libraries / Legea cu privire la biblioteci

The purpose of the law is to strengthen the role of the library in modern society through its development as a public service to ensure access to reading and development of interest in information, learning, education and research, cultural activities, and through enhancing the capacity of library involvement in the transfer of knowledge and free education opinions.

Legal Deposit Law

Law on editorial activity / Legea cu privire la activitatea editorială

Purpose of the Law is meeting the needs of personality, society, state in editorial production; creating opportunities for affirmation of citizens as authors, regardless of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, gender, opinion, political affiliation, wealth or social origin; ensuring the right to freedom of thought and speech, to free expression of opinions and beliefs; contributing to the national-cultural development of the people through the considerable increase in circulation and volume of editions, by the thematic expansion of book production; raising the level of culture of citizens by ensuring access to editorial production, familiarization with general human values, editing in original or translation of the most valuable works of national and universal literature; establishing relationships with publishers in other countries and concluding international conventions and agreements in the editorial field; increasing the number of national book editions in the languages ​​of wide circulation in order to promote the image of the Republic of Moldova in the world; strengthening and modernizing the technical-material basis of publishing houses, printers and broadcasting broadcasting networks.
The libraries are responsable for ensuring the protection of the written heritage of the country, keeping it permanently and preserving it. The legal deposit includes: books, serials, periodicals (magazines, newspapers, almanacs, calendars, newsletters, official acts issued by the central and local public administration authorities, parties, non-governmental organizations, musical scores, albums, stamps, paintings, portraits, engravings, illustrations, illustrated postcards, photographs reproduced in series, atlases, maps, printed plans, posters, teaching globes, material of political, administrative, cultural, artistic, scientific, educational, religious, sports, PhD thesis, multimedia editions, materials printed in Braille and "talking books", sound and video recordings (discs, audio and video cassettes, diafilms, slides, microfilms, microfiches), electronic documents - software data files, published on magnetic, optical or any other medium designed to be processed in the computer (CDs, CDs, DVDs), standards, patents and innovations, technical and operating rules, industrial and company catalogs, advertising and advertising materials, any other documents printed or published by graphic or physico-chemical procedures (lithography, photography, photocopying, phono and videography). Only the National Library, holds the copy of the LD, that can be borrowed by the library users.

Copyright Law & Library Exceptions and Limitations

Law on Copyright and Related Rights / Legea privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe

The law regulates the relationships that arise in the creation and exploitation of literary, artistic and scientific works (copyright), interpretations, phonograms, videograms and broadcasts of broadcasting organizations (related rights), as well as other rights which are recognized in connection with the intellectual activity of the field of literature, art and science.

Exceptions and limitations for libraries

According to the law libraries and other similar institutions which do not seek to obtain an economic or commercial advantage, directly or indirectly, are exempt from the obligation to pay the remuneration. Besides the law allows without the consent of the author or other copyright holders and without payment of the author's remuneration, but with the obligatory indication of the name of the author whose work is being redeemed and the source of the loan, the reproduction, to the extent justified by the aim pursued: a legally published work where the reproduction is done by libraries and archives and does not seek to obtain an economic or commercial advantage, directly or indirectly, but to replace lost, destroyed or rendered inoperable specimens or to make copies available to other libraries or similar archives for the replacement, in their own collections, of lost, destroyed or rendered unusable works, if such copies of the work are not routinely made; articles and other works of small volume or of extracts of limited extent from legally published literary works (with the exception of computer programs) when the reproduction is made by libraries or archives for the needs of individuals who use for private study or research purposes, and does not seek to obtain an economic or commercial advantage, directly or indirectly; articles and other works of small volume or of extracts of a limited extent from legally published literary works (except for computer programs) when the reproduction is made by educational institutions for study or research purposes; and does not seek to obtain an economic or commercial advantage, directly or indirectly.
The law admits that electronic transfer of public works for archiving purposes by libraries without obtaining an economic or commercial advantage, directly or indirectly, is permitted without the consent of the author or other copyright holder and without payment of any remuneration.

Education & Events

Professional Qualification Requirements

The Law on Libraries admits that the employment of the deputy director and deputy director of the public library shall be carried out by contest, based on the criteria of professional and managerial competence. In order to appreciate the activity, the level of professional knowledge and skills, as well as in order to stimulate the improvement of the professional skills and to increase the efficiency of the activity, the personnel in the public libraries are subject to attestation every 5 years. The certification of public library specialists is carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research jointly with other central and local public authorities, which have subordinated libraries, under a regulation approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.


The State University of Moldova provides studies in Librarianship, Information and Archiving. During past five decades the school has undergone a series of changes, reflected in its change of name: from the School of Librarianship and Bibliography, to the School of Library Science and Information Assistance, to its present inclusion in the Department of Communications. Currently, the following specializations are included in the bachelor's degree program: librarianship, information assistance, and archives; IT and communications; and information and sociocultural services. Master's degree studies offer specializations in digital libraries and information services, and the management of information institutions. The MSU program focuses on developing competencies in cataloging, data analysis, communications, information literacy, needs assessment, and the use of the internet and other ICTs. The master's-level programs are of two types: research-based and professional-based.

Professional Publications

Journal of Bibliology / Magazin bibliologic

Published twice a year, Journal of Bibliology is a professional journal edited by the National Library. It aims to update the knowledge, promote the trends of the field, promote the advanced national and international experiences.


Professional magazine, published four times a year by the Municipal Library "B.P. Hasdeu", aims to update the knowledge, promote the trends of the field, promote the advanced national and international experiences.

Professional Events

The day of librarians

Organised by the Librarians' Association of Moldova, the event takes place on the 23 of April each year. It aims to promote the role of libraries in commnunities. All libraries are invitated to participate wih open public events that invited public to take part. As well library community participates at open forum to discuss with central authorities on main library issues.  

Bibliological Symposium

Every year in March, the National Libary from Moldova invites library community to participate in this event to discuss previous year's achievements.

Forums of Managers from the National Library System

The Library Trainers Forum is held every year in September. Participants are library trainers and managers who come together to discuss about challanges and achievements in the area of training delivered by libraries to public.