Region: Southern Europe
Population: 10,746,740
Area: 131,960
GDP per capita, PPP: 26,779
(current international $)
Major Languages: Greek (official) 99%, other (includes English and French) 1%

Library Location Resources

Greek Libraries Network
Library Maps

Libraries in Greece are developed within a rather decentralized system.

Most libraries are publicly funded either directly, at state level, or indirectly at local level.

The National Library of Greece (NLG) as well as 46 Public Libraries* are directly funded by the state. In addition, there are 157 municipal libraries, each of which is funded by the corresponding local government authority.

There are 25 university libraries and a number - over 200 – of special, research and private libraries. In the 90s, over 700 secondary school libraries were established.

Academic libraries are the most developed libraries in the country with a well-established consortium (HEAL-Link) that provides access to more than 15,000 electronic journal titles and several databases.

In 2022, all together Greek libraries had:

  • 3,036,302 visitors,
  • 2,393,844 book loans,
  • 3,979,450 database accesses.

The Ministry of Education Religious Affairs and Sports supervises and funds the NLG and the public libraries. Academic libraries are also funded by the Ministry of Education through budgets of respective universities, while the municipal authorities finance public libraries in their municipalities. 

The NLG, after a long period of negligence, has undergone a major change that resulted in a significant transformation. Following the generous donation of the new library building by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, initiated in 2009, the NLG started, in 2014, developing a series of digital services and establishing the Greek Libraries Network and the national reading campaigns for children. In 2018, the NLG relocated to the new site at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre facing the challenges of the 21st century in the digital era.

The Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists focuses on the promotion of library science and the recognition of the role of librarians in Greece and aims to enable development and modernisation of Greek libraries. Other focus area is evaluation and utilization of the wealth of information that is available in modern media (the internet) and social media and making the media accessible to all citizens through the libraries. The Association provides professional development for librarians through various conferences, workshops and meetings.

* The term Public Libraries refers to a legal entity established by Greek law. Not to the type of library known as public library.

SDG STORIES: Stories Available


Totals Per 1M People*

Number of Libraries

Total Libraries with Internet Access

Total Staff


Registered Users

Total Visits

Total Physical Loans

Total Electronic Loans
Population and Geography
45 83.6
Median Age Population Density
people per sq km
Information and Infrastructure
69.1% 4.1%
Internet UsersInternet Gender Gap
Poverty and Employment
1.5% 23.5%
Poverty Rate
2011 PPP
% of labor force
Education and Literacy
No Data Available No Data Available
Adult Literacy Rate
% of people age 15+
Education Spending
% of GDP
Innovation and Skills
47.1% 1%
ICT Skills:
Transfering Files
Research Spending
% of GDP
National Library Associations
National Library
Policy Making Institutions
Library Support Organisations
Policy & Legislation
National Policy for Libraries
Library Law
Legal Deposit Law
Copyright Law
Library Exceptions & Limitations
Education & Events
Professional Qualification Requirements
Professional Publications
Professional Events
Learn more about the performance metrics
Totals Per 1 M People
N/A' Not Applicable '-' No Data '0' Zero
Total National Academic Public Community School Other

Total Libraries


Libraries with Internet Access


Full-Time Staff




Registered User


Physical Visits


Physical Loans


Electronic Loans

Learn more about the contextual indicators
N/A' Not Applicable '-' No Data '0' Zero
Population Greece Region World
Population Density
people per sq km
Urban Population (World Bank) 78.3%
Median Age (CIA) 45
Age Dependency Ratio, Youth (World Bank)
% of working age people
Age Dependency Ratio, Elderly (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of working age people
Information Infrastructure Greece Region World
Internet Users (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of population
Broadband Cost (ITU World Telecoms Database)
in USD
Phone Subscription Cost (ITU World Telecoms Database)
in USD
Internet Gender Gap (ITU World Telecoms Database)
% of Men Internet Users - % of Women Internet Users
Access to Electricity (World Bank)
Economy, Poverty, and Employment Greece Region World
GDP per Capita (World Bank)
current international $
Poverty Rate (World Bank)
at $1.90 a Day, 2011 PPP
Inequality Index (World Bank)
0 is perfect equality, 100 is the complete inequality
Unemployment (World Bank)
% of labor force
Inactive Youth (World Bank)
% of youth
Education and Literacy Greece Region World
Students per Teacher (World Bank)
Adult Literacy Rate (World Bank)
% of people age 15+
Education Spending (World Bank)
% of GDP
Innovation and Skills Greece Region World
Research Spending (World Bank)
% of GDP
ICT Skills: Programming (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Creating Presentations (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Finding, Downloading, Installing Software (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Transferring Files (International Telecommunication Union)
% of Population
ICT Skills: Sending Emails
% of Population
ICT Skills: Using Copy/Paste
% of Population
ICT Skills: Connect/Install Devices
% of Population
ICT Skills: Using Math in Spreadsheets
% of Population

National Library Associations

Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists / Ένωση Ελλήνων Βιβλιοθηκονόμων & Επιστημόνων Πληροφόρησης

The Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists (established in 1968) is the scientific and professional association that represents professional librarians in Greece. Its main objectives include promotion of library science and the recognition of the role of librarian, application of professional ethics; promotion of development and modernisation of libraries in Greece; professional development of librarians through conferences, workshops and meetings; upgrading libraries and modernising their technologies; evaluation and utilisation of the wealth of information and making the media accessible to all citizens.

National Library

National Library of Greece, NLG / Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος, ΕΒΕ

The National Library of Greece (NLG) is a public entity under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The NLG began its journey through time in 1829 and has been the driving force behind the efforts to trace, organise, describe and preserve in perpetuity documents of Greek culture, as the custodian of the Greek literary heritage. Its mission is to collect, organize, safekeep, preserve and offer open and equal access for all to every work of science and culture produced in Greece, or internationally, related to the Hellenic world and its abiding impact.

Policy Making Institutions

Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs / Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων, ΥΠΑΙΘ

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is the government department responsible for running the country's education system and for supervising religion affairs in Greece. The areas of responsibility include all levels and types of formal education (pre-school/primary/secondary/higher/vocational/adult education). It is also the supervisory body of a) public entities that in any way provide education and/or educational resources, e.g. the National Library of Greece and the General State Archives, b) public entities and institutions serving religious objectives.

Hellenic General Council of Libraries (HGCL) / Γενικό Συμβούλιο Βιβλιοθηκών

The Hellenic General Council of Libraries (HGCL) is a corporate body in the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The responsibility of HGCL is to develop and suggest policies to the Minister, as well as to further analyze implementation strategies for the Public Libraries in Greece, in cooperation with the National Library of Greece

Library Support Organisations

Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) / Ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος (ΙΣΝ)

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) is one of the world's leading private, international philanthropic organizations, making grants to nonprofit organizations in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and sports, and social welfare. Since 1996, the Foundation has provided more than $2.9 billion, through more than 4,500 grants to nonprofit organizations in 124 nations around the world. SNF has a long-standing commitment to libraries worldwide. The most outstanding grants offered to libraries include the complete renovation of New York Public Library’s Mid-Manhattan Central Circulating Branch and the creation of an endowment in support of its public programs. In Greece, SNF’s largest single gift to libraries is the new home facilities of the National Library of Greece (NLG) together with the grant aimed at supporting NLG transition projects.

Greek Libraries Network / Δίκτυο Ελληνικών Βιβλιοθηκών

Τhe Greek Libraries Network of the National Library of Greece is set up to help academic, research, public, municipal and school libraries develop the services they offer to the public. The Greek Libraries Network, which currently numbers 234 libraries, aims to enable exchange of information, knowledge and professional communication among libraries, to undertake training programs for library staff, to design and organize national and international actions, such as campaigns or conferences, and to provide continuous library support. The National Reading Campaign for Children, organised on an annual basis, is included among the outstanding acivities of the Greek Libraries Network.

Eugenides Foundation / Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου

The Eugenides Foundation was established in 1956 as a non-profit-organization with the objective to contribute to the education of young Greeks in science and technology. It is a grant-giving entity (scholarships, publications) and a physical technical and vocational education center that houses a library, a planetarium, exhibition spaces, an amphitheater, and lecture rooms. From 2012 the Eugenides Foundation Library has been a member of the Organizing Committee for the Support of Libraries, aiming to contribute to the modernization of Greek libraries and information centres, so as to improve the quality of services they provide to their readers/users.

Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation / Ίδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη

The Foundation’s aims include the promotion of Greek letters and culture, with a special interest in the promotion of historical and maritime  research. As an active and lively cultural – educational organization, it organizes and performs every year a large number of cultural and educational programmes. In addition to a 35.000 book lending library, the Foundation boasts of a Historical Library comprising some 400.000 titles, including large numbers of incunabula and ancient books. Wishing to contribute to the creation of a Maritime Libraries Union Catalogue, Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation is establishing cooperation with various libraries and institutions.

Hellenic Academic Library Link, HEAL Link / Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών, ΣΕΑΒ

HEAL-Link is a portal through which HEAL-Link members -mainly academic institutions - have full-text access to journals, e-books and to bibliographic databases. Its objectives include the collaboration among academic libraries, the establishment of common policy, the promotion of rational growth of journals’ collections among members, the joint subscription and the management of remote access to electronic resources and information services, including electronic journals. HEAL-Link also aims at the development and establishment of standards for any kind of librarian work, at the continuing training of its members’ library staff and at the enhancement of the material availability among its members (through methods such as interlibrary loan).

Policy & Legislation

National Policy for Libraries

There are no national policy documents for libraries in Greece.

Library Law

National LIbrary of Greece, Public Libraries and other provisions / Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδας, Δημόσιες Βιβλιοθήκες και λοιπές διατάξεις

The Law concerns the National Library of Greece and the public libraries. The issues covered include the legal status, the objectives, the administrative structure, the funding and the personnel management. The Law is in force since 2003.  Some amendments of this law regarding the National Library of Greece have been made in 2017.

Public Libraries Regulation / Κανονισμός Λειτουργίας Δημοσίων Βιβλιοθηκών

This Law concerns the public libraries in Greece. It mainly covers regulation issues and determines the public library services. The law is in force since 2017.

Establishment of Public Primary School Libraries School Network / Ίδρυση Δικτύου Σχολικών Βιβλιοθηκών Δημόσιων Δημοτικών Σχολείων

The Law concerns the public primary school libraries. It covers the objectives of the public primary school libaries as well as regulation, staff and material management issues. The Law is in force since 2018.

Legal Deposit Law

Regulatory Issues of the National LIbrary of Greece and other Public Libraries / Ρύθμιση Θεμάτων της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης της Ελλάδας και Λοιπών Δημοσίων Βιβλιοθηκών

The Law concerns the National Library of Greece (NLG) and the public libraries. It is complementary to the previous law (2003), regarding new services provided by NLG as well as its strategic and operational plan.
The law provides for an obligation on publishers to deposit four copies of all types of all published material, including printed, audio, video, digital, and restricted access web material. It mandates that publishers (or authors, when there is no publisher) are required, in addition to the deposit of hardcopies, to provide a readable electronic version of publications free from any Technical Protection Means, and to facilitate access to content protected by Technical Protection Means or otherwise protected content. It also describes the obligation of publishers or authors, when there is no publisher, to deposit two copies of all types of all published material to the library of the Hellenic Parliament.
According the law, the National Library of Greece is appointed as the organization to undertake, allocate and coordinate the action of archiving the Hellenic Web, i.e. in fact said provision names the National Library of Greece as the organization responsible for text and data analysis at national level in Greece.

Copyright Law & Library Exceptions and Limitations

Intellectual Property, Related Rights and Cultural Issues / Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία, Συγγενικά Δικαιώματα και Πολιτιστικά Θέματα
Exceptions and limitations for libraries

The law allows the lending operation. Regarding preservation of works possessed and archived either by the National Library of Greece or by public libraries—non-profit-making libraries and archives in Greece. The law allows the making of one additional copy, without the consent of the author and without payment, from a copy of the work already existing in the permanent collection of a non-profit-making library or archive, for the purpose of retaining that additional copy to another non-profit-making library or archive. The reproduction shall be permissible only if an additional copy cannot be obtained in the market promptly, and on reasonable terms. The law also allows the making of a copy of a work deposited to the National Library of Greece, which has yet to be published. Said copy is allowed only if it is requested by the depositor (author) or by his/her heir or by the person who was assigned with the right to request it. In any other case copying is not allowed for the material that is subject to Copyright.  
The Copyright law in Greece includes exceptions/limitations from the reproduction right regarding: a) school textbooks and anthologies, b) reproduction for teaching purposes, c) the public lending of works from libraries of primary and secondary educational institutes—school libraries—and from academic libraries, d) the reproduction of cinematographic works, e) the reproduction for judicial and administrative purposes, f) the reproduction for information purposes, g) the use of images of works sited in public places, h) the public performance or presentation of works on special occasions.  
The law caters for certain permitted uses of orphan works. Regarding people with print disabilities, the law allows the reproduction of works for the benefit of blinds and deaf-mute for uses which are directly related to their disability and are non-commercial in nature. An amendment of the law, with which the EU-Directive regarding the Marrakesh Treaty will be incorporated into the Greek legislation, is in process. A further amendment, with which the new Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market will be incorporated into the national law, is expected.

Education & Events

Professional Qualification Requirements

There are no professional qualification requirements for librarians in Greece.


There are three Universities that offer Bachelor, Msc and Phd studies in Libraries and Information Science. The Department of Archives, Library Science and Information Systems at the University of West Attica, the Department of Archives, Library Science and Information Systems at the International Hellenic University and the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology at the Ionian University.

Professional Publications

Journal of Integrated Information Management, JIIM

JIIM comprises research articles on all aspects and issues regarding Information Science and Integrated Information Management. Case studies on applied research as well as theoretical discussions addressing methodological questions are also of interest to this Journal. Furthermore, the role of Informatics as a necessary tool for Information Science & Management comprises a thematic cluster central to the objectives of the Journal. Starting from the integration of informational function of cultural organizations (Libraries Archives Museums) the Journal expand its interest in scientific, administration and business aspects of Information Science & Management and in related perspectives of social sciences and the humanities.

Professional Events

Panhellinic Conference of Academic Libraries

The annual Panhellenic Conference of Academic Libraries, held since 1992, is one of the most important events for the Greek academic libraries and the most significant one in the areas of Library Information Services, Library Automation, Books and Periodicals, Library Equipment and Information Technologies. Librarians, members of the academic community and suppliers are given the opportunity to broaden their knowledge, to communicate with other colleagues, to syndicate and exchange views and experiences, to be informed about new developments and trends in the Academic Libraries’ products and services. Each year one of the Greek academic libraries is responsible for hosting the event.